Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Five Favorites

 I'm a little late to join Hallie and her Five Favorites, but..I need something quick and easy to get me over this blogging slump we go.

1. My mom (! her burgeoning computer skills cannot go uncelebrated) found a crochet headband pattern online that has pockets for speech I tried it out with a few tweaks and we are loving it. No wires or ear molds or toupee tape or ear simple and cute, too. Gianna has already put in her order for one as well.

2. I love looking at this planter. Chocolate mint coleus with blackberry petunias...all of which I started from seeds in March. The plant s l o w l y growing at the back I started from a bulb, if it ever blooms it will be an orange canna. I think maybe it is not getting enough sun but..we'll see. I have no idea what I am doing but I love having a yard to putter around in and try to grow stuff.

3. These nightgowns from The White Cotton Gown are so lovely. My mother in law found them after I expressed frustration searching for a 100% cotton nightgown for Gianna. Gianna says she feels like Laura from The Little House books. 

4. Summer. Even though we are still running around like crazy (we usually have about 4 appointments each week, but often more, between the two girlies and their ears) I am so glad school is out. Playing with friends, staying up late catching fireflies in the yard, Popsicles...all made sweeter by the fact that I am not a million months pregnant like I was last summer. Instead I have my PiaBaby to snuggle. 

5. I scored a Le Creuset pot from a St. Vincent de Paul thrift was covered in some sort of greasy substance but it was blue and it was $6 and now it is gracing my stove and it is mine. 


  1. Wow thanks for the 100% cotton night gown link. I really hate the cheesy polyester ones from target, they bother my kids sensitive skin... I've been on the hunt for cute one!

  2. SO cute! Love the headband! And way to go on the Le Creuset! I will now be keeping my eye out in my local thrift stores in hopes for the same :).

  3. $6 for a Le Creuset pot??? I'm so jealous!! Kitchen supplies/gadets are my weakness, and I have quite the collection. Oh, if you're looking to remove the greasy substance, try Bartender's Friend. (Or Bartender's Keeper. I can never remember what it's called). In any case, it works wonders and your pot will look like new!

    1. Ooh good call....and I already have is the best for getting white sink to look clean...never thought to try it on a pot!
